Invocation of Thoth/Tahuti/Tehuti/Hermes/Mercury #Thoth #Tahuti #Invocat...

Hail Thoth, Great Scribe, Magician and Messenger of the Gods, - The Lord of Wisdom and of the Utterance, - The God who cometh forth from the Veil, - I call Thee, Thou of the Ibis Head and the Phoenix Wand, - Who stands in Splendor at the Prow of the Bark of Ra, - Tongue of Ra, who expresses the Word. - I invoke Thee by the Sign of Triumph, - I invoke Thee for aid in the Great Work! - O Thoth, who I adore, - Who vindicated Osiris against his foes, - Judge of Truth, inspire me with your Wisdom, - Vindicate me, make me blameless before the Gods, - I come to you spiritualized and pure. - Open Thy Book unto me, teach me Thy Holy Magick, - Assist me in erecting the Snake Shrine of Horus, - I receive Thee and conquer Typhon in Thy Holy Name. - O Thoth, Skilled Scribe whose Hands are pure, - Possessor of Purity, who drives away evil, who writes what is True, - who detests falsehood, whose pen defends the Lord of All, - Master of Laws who interprets writings, whose Word establishes the Two Lands, - Favored of Ra, Lord of Strength, Great in Magick in the Bark of Millions of Years, - whose Power protects She who bore Him, who gets rid of noise and quells uproars, - who does what Ra in His Shrine approves, - Let us Unite so I may emulate Thy Wisdom and Splendor. - I am Thoth, - who foretells the morrow and foresees the future, - whose act cannot be brought to naught, who guides the sky, earth and Duat,who nourishes the sun-folk. - I give breath to him that is in secret places by means of the Power which is in my Mouth. - I am the Magician. - I am complete. - I am equipped. - I am in the Suite of Thoth and am joyful for all He has done. - May the Protection of Ra be my safeguard, the Power of Thoth be behind me - and the Incantations of Isis pervade my members. AMEN.
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